Copk Block: Democratically controlled gun safety switches to stop brutal cops.

2 min readJun 21, 2019


*Disclaimer: This is a joke intended to get people thinking about creative solutions to our big problems.

Are you tired of people getting shot at by rogue cops? Lets build a voting system to democratically deactivate a cop’s gun based on votes on a block-chain.

Here is how it works. Cops on active duty will live-stream 24/7 to their constituents from body cams. Constituents will be able to downvote if situations get out of control, and if enough downvotes are sent to the Copk Block virtual machine, then a signal is sent to the offending police officer’s gun to disengage it. The Copk Block virtual machine will have very fast block mining speed to rival the speed of a roided up trigger finger.

Each downvote encapsulates 1 or more gun IDs that are publicly shared by the police force. When votes are received, they are tallied up by some fitness function. The simplest fitness function could be a numerical threshold that says “if X votes are received then deactivate the gun”. More realistic models would weight the votes by various modifiers.

Votes could be weighted by:

  • the voter’s physical proximity to offending situation
  • the voter’s accuracy in predicting when action should have been taken in the past
  • the voter’s opinion concerning the legitimacy of their police force

The disengagement threshold could also alter be lowered because of the following factors:

  • the cop is new to the force
  • the cop is low ranking
  • the police force recently had an incident with public outcry

Voting ids will have to be generated by the government and handed out to registered residents to ensure that 4chan trolls can not deactivate police guns.



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